Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well now I'm no hero

That's understood

All the redemption I can offer girl

Is beneath this dirty hood

With a chance to make it good somehow

Hey what else can we do now ?

Bruce Springsteen

Good Morning as it is actually Thursday morning at 6am. I'm tired, sore and skipping 6 am open gym to make sure you guys get your blog fix. :) Okay I may be skipping open gym cause I have hike til 10:30am, circuit training with Eric and Cam at 10:30, pool at 11:30, lunch at 12:30, treading at 2:30 and 3:30 and pool at 4:30, 4 NCAA games tonite as well. And just for fun I stayed yup late playing scattegories and getting life stories from some of my fellow inmates.

I have been doing a lot of sand work this week. This is about a 200 yard stretch of sand that is the entrance to fern gully. I jogged it 20 times yesterday after doing a 45 minute hike thru "pioneer names". I was told there was carvings made by early settlers on the path but all I could see was a St George High class of '08 tag.

Lunch was the "new" pizza. I liked the old pizza better. This has a thicker, wheatier crust. still good but not as good as the flat bread pizza

Dinner was something new as well. They called it cafe salad but it was a sort of Mexican salad. it had a whole wheat tortilla lots of lettuce, pico de gallo, chicken, rice, and black beans.

For dessert we had the chocolate and vanilla soy pudding parfait. It looks great, tastes great, just doesn't sound great. i'm not sure what soy pudding is but I would never had known it wasn't Bill Cosby approved.

Sara, Sharon, me, Mandy, Wendy, and John. One thing that never disappoints me at the Ridge is the wonderful people I get to meet.

I hope everyone has a great day!! Peace and Love, Jim


Sabine said...

For once I am beating Kristin to it.....I did not know that there was pre-hike open gym....Tell me that is not true. According to schedule the day starts with breakfast and then hike and I thought I did not have to get up at 5.45 am????
Thanks for all your blogs and sacrifying your gym time to keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

It seems there's an extra class in there somewhere??? Oy - Keep strong