So I'm taking my frown to a far distant town
On an island in the blue bay.
Far away far away, I want to go far away
To a new life on a new shore line
Where the water is blue and the people are new
To another island, in another life
Ingrid Michaelson
Here's the new store, currently housing some window ad's for Axe deodorant. Nothing says hippie store like beautiful chandeliers :) The building is in really nice shape. I can't imagine how great it will be to have central air for the first time, space for people to actually move around in the store, and the space to display all of our merchandise. We should be open in that spot by the middle of May, however our lease in the old spot doesn't expire until the end of summer. So there will be two Sunshine Daydreams this summer for a few months. Feel free to come visit and please bring your charge cards. The new store is next to a restaurant called Mediterranean Cafe which has my employees ecstatic, and closer to Five Guys, BW3, State St. Brats, and a handful of taverns which has me considering buying a muzzle to wear.
Volleyball is in half swing. I am signed up to play 6 nights a week. Great idea, lots of fun and exercise, and pretty much guaranteed to break my body down. I only played 3 days last week as some leagues haven't started yet, and Thursday morning I woke up sore in so many spots. My finger, I hurt playing basketball in Utah, hasn't healed and still bugs me. My wedding ring wont fit over the knuckle on that hand. My competitive streak has me diving in the sand a dozen times a night, and my hip and right ass cheek take the brunt of those landings. They were happy to remind me that I am not 21 anymore the next morning. Sorry about the minor bitching, and the truth is I don't care how sore I am, I love it.
A CNBC original, ONE NATION, OVERWEIGHT will premiere on Tuesday, May 18th at 10PM and 1AM ET
Published: Friday, 16 Apr 2010 1:37 PM ET Text Size By: Jennifer Dauble
The documentary will repeat on the following dates:
Friday, 5/21 at 10PM ET
Saturday, 5/22 at 7PM ET
Sunday, 5/23 at 10PM ET
It is a fight without end, a battle often to the death, and one we are apparently losing. It is the American struggle with obesity, one that costs the nation $147 billion, and an untold number of lives, every year.
In the next CNBC original, correspondent Scott Wapner looks at the costs and casualties of obesity. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, despite a $60 billion dollar array of products, services, diets and foods designed to help lose weight. CNBC goes to the front lines where the battle against fat is being fought, including a cutting-edge pharmaceutical company hoping to develop an obesity drug that could, if successful, be a financial and cultural blockbuster. We see businesses both large and small that are investing in their employees’ weight loss. We meet a retired Navy vet who is among a growing number of overweight patients choosing the seemingly desperate option of having their stomachs surgically restricted. We also get an intimate look at a weight loss boot camp called The Biggest Loser Resort, an enterprise that is helping some lose pounds, and others make money.
See where the waistline meets the bottom line in this fascinating and sober look at a problem that affects most American people and every American pocketbook.
So why am I so enchanted with the amorous red head who sings 'The way I am." First off she tells us that she thinks of my store every night as our sticker is on her piano, but then she looks at me and says, "your face is so much thinner then when I saw you last, you have lost a ton of weight." The girl has seen me one time before in my life and that was last October. So we talk for 5 minutes about what I am doing and the whole amazing concept of eat less, exercise more and my stays at the Ridge. So a very cool night, a really excellent week, and just the beginning of what will be a fabulous summer. Peace, Everbody wants to Love, Jim